SP Cote - MS

SP Cote - MS

SP cote – MS is a dressing material used for M S Spoon, M S Tools, M S Laddles, Any Pouring Accessaries which are used in pouring of Aluminium Metal. It is Titanium Dioxide based product.

SP Cote –MS provides good conducting properties to the molten Aluminium metal which ensures thorough curing of dressing due to heat transfer phenomenon. The thermal stability of the base filler gives longer life for M.S. Tools.

Advantages of this dressing are as follows:

  • Reduces Iron Pick Up chances from the tool to molten Al Metal.
  • Extended life of M. S. Tools.
  • It is Non Wettable to Molten Aluminium metal & its alloys.
  • Reduces breakdown time.

Apply directly on the rust cleaned equipment by brushing or swabbing. Then heat the equipment upto 600°C. by portable burner or dip in untreated Molten Aluminium for ensuring strongly adhere coating before continuous use.

1 Year

1 Kg / 8 Kg Can

The information is true and correct based on our controlled laboratory testing . NO guarantee is implied since the condition in actual actual use differs widely & beyond our control. However user is responsible for determining suitability for application at their end.